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Results for search "Depression".

04 Sep

Taking Ozempic or Wegovy Does Not Increase Risk for Mental Health Issues, Study Finds

Researchers find no link between semaglutide, the main ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy, and depression, suicidal thoughts or behaviors in patients with no prior history of the conditions.

16 Oct

Why Do Some Antidepressants Take Weeks to Kick-In? Scientists Uncover Important New Clues

In a new study, researchers find patients who take SSRI antidepressants experience physical changes in their brain over the first few weeks of treatment.

Health News Results - 482

U.S. Suicide Death Rate Is Rising Again

U.S. suicide rates are ticking back upward again after a dip during the pandemic, new statistics show.

Suicide deaths per 100,000 people had fallen from 14.2 recorded in the pre-pandemic year of 2018 to 13.5 in 2020.

However, by 2022, the latest year for which statistics are available, the rate had climbed once more to 14.2 deaths per every 100,000 Americans, report researchers fro...

Brain Injury & PTSD: Veterans' Study Suggests Area of Damage Is Key

Brain damage that veterans suffered from flying shrapnel has provided a major clue that could lead to better treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a new study says.

Veterans who suffered shrapnel damage connected to their amygdala, the fear center of the brain, were less likely to develop PTSD, researchers reported Sept. 24 in the journal

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 26, 2024
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  • 988 Mental Health Crisis Calls Now Link to Caller Location, Not Area Code

    In a move that could mean more Americans in crisis get help and get it quickly, federal officials announced Tuesday that major cellphone carriers now have the technology to direct 988 callers to local mental health services based on their location instead of their area code.

    “The goal of 988 is to help people in a mental health or substance use crisis get 24/7 access to compassionat...

    Many Former NFL Players Believe They Have CTE, Raising Suicide Risk

    One in three former NFL players believe they have football-related brain damage that’s doing untold harm to their lives, a new study finds.

    Unfortunately, their fears might be harming their mental health on top of whatever risks they face from

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 23, 2024
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  • Psilocybin Equals or Exceeds SSRI Antidepressants at Easing Depression

    Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, appears to ease depression symptoms at least as well as one of the most commonly used antidepressants, a new clinical trial shows.

    Patients showed significant improvement in their depressive symptoms after taking either a single do...

    Partner's Adult ADHD Can Harm a Woman's Mental Health

    Having a husband or boyfriend with adult ADHD can harm a woman's mental stability, a new study suggests.

    About 3 in 5 women (59%) with male partners with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) had symptoms of depression, a rate on par with caregi...

    Could Antidepressants Give Memory a Boost?

    Antidepressants have the potential to improve memory and thinking skills, a new study suggests.

    Some patients experienced a boost on brain tests after taking the SSRI antidepressant escitalopram (Lexapro), researchers report.


    Therapy Dogs Can Ease Nurses', Doctors' Stress, Too

    Therapy dogs can help boost the spirits of health care workers in the same way they brighten the moods of hospital patients, a new study shows.

     The furry, four-legged friends reduced emotional exhaustion and job stress among a small group of workers at two surgical and two i...

    Childhood Trauma Can Raise Health Risks for a Lifetime

    Deprivation, neglect and abuse during childhood can increase a person’s long-term risk of health problems, a new study warns.

    “Stress is implicated in nine of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States today,” said senior researcher Dr. George Slavich, director of the UCLA Laboratory for S...

    Over 5 Million Americans Could Benefit If Psilocybin Approved for Depression: Study

    Over 5 million Americans could benefit if the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves the "magic mushroom" psychedelic psilocybin as a treatment for depression, researchers estimate.

    “While our analysis is a crucial first step, we've only scratched the surface in understanding the true public health impact psilocybin therapy may have,” said study co-author

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 13, 2024
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  • U.S. Suicide Rates Rise in Less Affluent Areas

    An analysis of where suicides are occurring in the United States shows that, tragically, location matters.

    People living in poorer areas with fewer resources are significantly more likely to fall victim to suicide versus those living in more affluent areas, new data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows.

    “Improving the conditions where people are born,...

    Pandemic Isolation May Have Caused Rapid Brain Aging in Teen Girls

    New research uncovers a possible reason why teenaged girls struggled so mightily with their mental health during the pandemic: Scans showed their brains aged far faster than expected during that stressful time, even faster than the brains of their male peers.

    In the study, published Monday in the

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 10, 2024
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  • Brain's Wiring May Trigger Depression in Some People

    A distinct brain pattern appears to make some people more likely to develop depression, a new study indicates.

    “Deep” functional MRI brain scans revealed that a brain feature called the salience network is nearly twice as large in people with depression than in those without the condi...

    Ketamine Can Fight Depression, But Pregnant Women Face Risks

    Ketamine is becoming a popular depression drug, but doctors aren’t keeping in mind the danger it can pose to a pregnancy, a new study warns.

    Ketamine can be very harmful to a developing fetus and should not be used during pregnancy, researchers said.

    But only 20% of keta...

    Ozempic, Wegovy Won't Raise User's Suicide Risk, Study Finds

    The booming popularity of the weight-loss drug semaglutide has prompted increasing concerns about potential side effects from taking Ozempic or Wegovy.

    But a new study rules out one possible problem -- using semaglutide does not increase a person&rsq...

    Depressed Adolescents Twice as Likely to Take Up Vaping

    A survey of Australian adolescents finds those who are experiencing depressive symptoms have double the risk of taking up vaping.

    “In the short term, nicotine may reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, and young people may be reaching for vapes as a coping mechanism," said study co-author

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 3, 2024
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  • Depression Might Sometimes Be Early Sign of Alzheimer's Disease

    In some people, new-onset depression may stem from the same buildup of toxic plaques in the brain that have long been linked to Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study.

    "Our findings provide additional support for depressive symptoms as an early feature of preclinical Alzheimer's disease," wrote a team led by

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 30, 2024
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  • State Laws Strongly Affect Mental Health of Trans People, Study Finds

    THURSDAY, Aug. 22, 2024 (HeathDay News) -- There's a strong association between a state's policies and laws around the rights of transgender people and the mental health of transgender residents, a new study shows.

    "Trans individuals who were worried about having their rights taken away had significantly higher odds of experiencing depression and anxiety symptoms," the study authors repor...

    Vaccination Could Shield Against Mental Issues Following Severe COVID

    People stricken with a severe case of COVID-19 have a higher risk of mental illness in the year following their infection, a new study warns.

    However, vaccination appears to ward off these effects on mental health, researchers reported Aug. 21 in the journal

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  • August 22, 2024
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  • Female Doctors Face Higher Risk for Suicide

    Suicide rates among female doctors are significantly higher than those of the general population, a new study finds.

    Female doctors have a 76% higher suicide risk than average folks, researchers found.

    Male doctors had about the same suicide risk as...

    Text Message Program Helps Teens at Risk for Suicide

    Kids considering suicide after receiving mental health care at a hospital can be helped by automated text messages that help them feel hopeful and supported, a new study finds.

    Children receiving the texts as part of a program called Caring Contacts said they felt more positive after receiving the messages.

    “Prior research has shown that patients are around 300 times more at r...

    Workplace Mistreatment Takes Tougher Mental Toll on Black Employees

    Black employees in a toxic workplace are more susceptible to depression and sleep loss than whites are, according to new research.

    Black workers being mistreated by employers got an estimated 100 fewer minutes of sleep per night than white workers or Black people not enduring mistreatmen...

    Obamacare Boosted New Moms' Access to Mental Health Care

    Pregnant women and new moms have better access to treatment for mood disorders, thanks to Obamacare, a new study finds.

    More women received treatment for their pregnancy-related depression or anxiety after the Affordable Care Act (ACA) went into effect in 2014, research...

    How Excessive Heat Can Affect Your Mental Health

    As Americans sweat through another scorching summer, one expert warns that while extreme heat can cause physical harm it can also wreak havoc with your mental health.

    Sizzling temperatures can make anyone irritable, but it can be far worse for some, especially those with mental health conditions, said Dr. Asim Shah, executive v...

    Fewer U.S. Teen Girls Are Reporting 'Persistent Sadness'

    There's a hint of good news for parents concerned about teen mental health: After 57% of U.S. teen girls surveyed in 2021 said they felt "persistent sadness," that number declined somewhat by 2023, to 53%, new government data shows.

    In the latest biennial poll of over 20,000 high school students nationwide, called the

  • Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 6, 2024
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  • Head Injuries Common Among Police Officers, With Links to Mental Health Issues

    Three out of four police officers have experienced at least one concussion, increasing their risk of mental health issues, a new study suggests.

    About 74% of Ohio law enforcement officers had suffered one or more head injuries during their life...

    Depression May Lower Breast Cancer Survival

    Depression can lower a woman’s chances of surviving breast cancer, a new study reports.

    Women with breast cancer and depression are more than three times as likely to die as women without either condition, researchers found.

    By comparison, breast cancer patients who arenâ...

    Mental Health Risks Rise in Months After Heart Attack

    Hospitalization for a heart-related emergency can have profound effects on a person’s mental health, a new study finds.

    People hospitalized for heart attack, stroke or other heart-related illnesses were 83% more likely to be diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder withi...

    14 Risk Factors Raise Your Odds for Odds for Dementia

    New research has added two conditions to the list of 12 risk factors that boost the chances of a dementia diagnosis.

    The good news? You can guard against the development of both and researchers offer advice on exactly how to do that.

    In a study published Wednesday in 

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 1, 2024
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  • Are Celebrity Suicides 'Contagious' Among Regular Folk?

    Celebrity suicides seem to be contagious, prompting everyday folks to consider the same, a new study suggests.

    The 2014 suicide death of comedian Robin Williams caused a thousand-fold increase in the risk of suicidal thoughts, reflected in a spike in calls to what was then the equivalent of the current

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • August 1, 2024
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  • Nearly 1 in 3 U.S. Adolescents Are Getting Mental Health Treatment

    In findings that suggest more young Americans struggling with mental health issues are getting the help they need, a new poll shows that nearly a third of American adolescents and teens received some sort of mental health treatment in 2023.

    That translates to over 8 million young people between the ages of 12 and 17 getting counseling, medication or another treatment, the

  • Robin Foster HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 31, 2024
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  • Suicides Among Kids Ages 8 to 12 Are Rising, Especially Among Girls

    The kids are not alright.

    New data shows a troubling 8% annual increase in the number of American children ages 8 to 12 who died by suicide, with the sharpest increase seen among girls.

    Suicide has now become the fifth leading cause of death among both male and female preteens, report a team led by ...

    Most U.S. Youth Who Die by Suicide Don't Have Diagnosed Mental Health Issue

    Three out of five young people who die by suicide don’t have any prior mental health diagnosis, a new study finds.

    People are missing the telltale signs that children, teens and young adults are troubled in ways that put them at risk for suicide, researchers said.

    “Our findin...

    Grief Can Truly Age People, Study Finds

    Losing someone close to you can make you age faster, a new study finds.

    People who lost a parent, partner, sibling or child showed signs of older biological age compared with those who hadn’t experienced such a loss, researchers reported July 29 in the journal JAMA Network Open.

    “Our study shows strong links between losing loved ones across the life course fro...

    Money Worries Keep Depressed Americans From Mental Health Care

    Medical debt is significantly more common among people with a mood disorder, and these money woes can keep them from getting the help they need, a new study says.

    Among people with depression or anxiety, those with medical debt were twice as likely to delay or forego

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • July 22, 2024
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  • Natural Medicine: Head Outside for Better Mental Health, Study Finds

    Spending time in nature can provide a boost for people with mental illness, a new review finds.

    Even as little as 10 minutes spent in a city park can improve a person’s symptoms, researchers found.

    The positive effects of nature approved part...

    Altered Mealtimes Linked to Depression, Anxiety in Shift Workers

    Folks need to have their meals at regular intervals or risk slipping into anxiety or depression, a new study of airline personnel has found.

    Delaying breakfast or dinner appears to increase a person’s risk of developing a mood disorder, researchers report.

    The study also found that confining meals to a 12-hour “eating window” every day helps sustain an even mood -...

    Science Reveals 'Magic Mushroom' Chemical's Mind-Altering Effects

    “Magic” mushrooms achieve their psychedelic effects by temporarily scrambling a brain network involved in introspective thinking like daydreaming and remembering, a new study reports.

    Brain scans of people who took psilocybin -- the psychedelic drug in ‘shrooms -- revealed that the substance causes profound and widespread temporary changes to the brain’s default m...

    Two Years Later, 988 Crisis Line Has Answered 10 Million Requests

    Just two years after the launch of the nation's three-digit crisis hotline, more than 10 million calls, texts and chat messages have been fielded by counselors, U.S. health officials announced Tuesday.

    Introduced in July 2022 to simplify emergency ...

    New Report Calls for More Research on Women's Health Issues

    A new report finds research is sorely lacking on how chronic illnesses affect women, and it urged government agencies to do more to investigate how these diseases strike women differently.

    The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine analysis, commissioned by the...

    Researchers have identified a gene that can trigger obesity, behavior problems and postpartum depression when missing or damaged.

    The finding could lead to new treatments for postpartum depression and overeating: The study in mice suggests the so-called "love hormone" -- oxytocin -- may ease ...

    When It Comes to Weight Gain, Not All Antidepressants Are the Same

    Weight gain is a common side effect of antidepressants, but some types cause people to pack on pounds more than others, a new study says.

    Bupropion users are 15% to 20% less likely to gain a significant amount of weight than those taking the most common antidepressant, sertraline, res...

    Americans' Interest in Microdosing Psychedelics Is Growing

    A study based on online Google searches suggests surging U.S. interest in microdosing psychedelics, such as psilocybin, as rules around the use of such drugs begin to relax.

    But the safety of these drugs isn't entirely clear, said study lead author Dr. Kevin Yang.

    "As public interest in using psychedelics and cannabis for health g...

    Diets Heavy in Ultra-processed Foods Linked to Earlier Death: Study

    People who eat more ultra-processed foods are more likely to suffer an early death, particularly from heart disease or diabetes, a new study warns.

    Older adults who consume higher amounts of ultra-processed foods are about 10% more likely to die than those w...

    Magic Mushroom's Psilocybin Is America's Most Popular Hallucinogen

    As psilocybin mushrooms become the most popular psychedelic in the United States, some states have started to ease regulations on its recreational use.

    Now, a new report warns that the federal government will have to decide whether to follow suit.

    RAND, a nonprofit research group, stresses in the report that if efforts t...

    Anxiety Tied to Doubling of Parkinson's Risk

    Anxiety could be an early warning sign of Parkinson's disease, a new study finds.

    People with anxiety have at least double the risk of developing Parkinson's compared to those without the mood disorder, results show.

    Further, specific Parkinson's symptoms serve as warning signs of the ...

    Slow-Release Ketamine Pill Eases Depression: Study

    A new slow-release pill form of ketamine can quell hard-to-treat depression without producing psychedelic side effects normally associated with the drug, early research suggests.

    Patients on the strongest dose of ketamine tablets saw significant improvement in their depression compa...

    High Rates of Loneliness Seen Among Bisexual and Transgender People

    Transgender and bisexual adults have rates of loneliness that are much higher than that of cisgender and heterosexual people, new data shows.

    Federal health data on U.S. adults from 2022 finds the highest rates of self-reported loneliness among people who identify as bisexual (56.7%) or transgender (rates ranging from 56.4% to 63.9%), according to researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disea...

    Depression Around Pregnancy Could Take Toll on Women's Hearts

    Depression during or after a pregnancy could be tied to a heightened risk for heart trouble in women decades later, new research warns.

    This so-called "perinatal" depression was linked to a 36% higher odds of developing heart disease within the next 20 years, reported a Swedish team led by Dr. Emma Bränn, of the Karolinska Institute in S...

    Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media Sites

    The U.S. Surgeon General announced Monday that he will push for warning labels on all social media platforms, stating that they may harm teens' mental health.

    "The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency -- and social media has emerged as an important contributor," Dr. Vivek Murthy wrote in an essay publi...

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